New Moon
The New Moon, marking the start of a new lunar cycle, is an ideal time for self-reflection. By reflecting on the past cycle, acknowledging lessons learned, and setting intentions for the future, we align ourselves with the moon's energy of new beginnings. This practice helps us identify and release negative patterns or limiting beliefs, making space for positive change. Additionally, it allows us to set clear and focused intentions for what we wish to manifest, harnessing the New Moon's energy to bring our desires to fruition.
Journal Prompts
What emotions, experiences, or patterns have weighed you down in the past month?
Are there any relationships that consistently bring negative energy into your space? How can you set boundaries or distance yourself from these sources?
Think about past experiences where you successfully released negative energy. What strategies or techniques did you use? How can you apply them now?
Write a letter to yourself, releasing any past mistakes, regrets, or guilt. Offer yourself forgiveness and compassion.
What aspects of your life bring you the most joy and fulfillment?
If you could change one thing about your life right now, what would it be?
What are your long-term goals and aspirations?
If fear were not a factor, what would you pursue wholeheartedly?
What small steps can you take today to move closer to the life you desire?
Tarot Spread for the New Moon
What Needs to Go: What is weighing me down and needs to be released?
The Root Cause: What is the underlying reason for holding onto this?
The Lesson: What can I learn from this experience?
The Letting Go: How can I release this with grace and ease?
The New Path: What will open up for me when I let go?
Current Energy: What is the current energy surrounding my intentions?
Inner Blockages: What is hindering my manifestation process?
Desired Outcome: What do I truly desire to manifest?
Path Forward: What steps should I take to bring my desires to fruition?
Potential Challenges: What obstacles might arise during this process?
Outcome: What is the potential outcome of my efforts?